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Aged Care who wants to mentor

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Author Aged Care who wants to mentor



  • Joined: Oct 2008
  • Location: QLD
  • Posts: 44

Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:12 pm

Hello. I need help/advise about courses as I am itchy to become a mentor and/or educator
in Aged Care. I am truly the 'right stuff' for this valuable area of nursing and in particular lately,
I am itchy to study again. I am in my mid forties.
I feel I have something to offer and pass on to other less experienced nurses and aged care
I just need to know more about getting started as a mentor as my enthusiasm is there and that
isn't the hurdle. The hurdle is knowing which way to go in education so I don't waste my time.
I have often thought about Workplace AssessmentCert IV but feel something better might be there
if I wanted to teach at TAFE, say, or become a facilitator part time. Part time as I definitely wish
to continue as a RN in Aged Care. I love the field. Any tips on further education? I would love to hear.

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