Jun 30, 2008, 12:22 am
Just thought I'd add to this thread even though it has been ages since it was posted. Tropicana is right, we only ever hear about bad experiences.
Although it is true that the course I'm doing has been appallingly run (we were however informed by the co-ordinator to consider ourselves lucky that we didn't have to come in in the evenings until 9pm), there is one teacher who is great IMO.
She is very experienced, to the point to having been Dean of nursing at universities. She spent alot of time working in the UK, and we are lucky to have her teaching us A&P at TAFE level. She has just the right balance of actually getting through the material (rather than getting stalled everytime someone feels like sharing what happened to their aunty/neighbour/dog), but also telling us of her experiences and allowing some discussion.
She makes me excited and proud that one day I will hopefully be a nurse.