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What do you admire most in your lecturer?

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Author What do you admire most in your lecturer?




  • Joined: Mar 2007
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Sat Mar 29, 2008 2:03 pm

I have heard alot of ppl complain about the lecturers that teach them. You never hear about those who are outstanding.

So what makes you respect your lecturer?



  • Joined: Oct 2006
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Mar 29, 2008, 05:02 pm

Hmmm. I could join the not happy club very easily. We have had some lecturers that were thrown in the deep end and were not very effective, some had probably been lecturing for too long and only really knew the old way, staff turnover meant 2 or more lecturers for a subject, little continuity between taught theory and text, poor study materials etc etc.

The good lecturers were a rare commodity and unfortunately were not always the course coordinators so the knowledge they held was often constrained by the course content. There was the odd one who could get the point across, be interesting, relate their experiences, and keep the class engaged. I feel that soon the UNI's will be offering mainly external modes of study to cut costs. This is happening more and more. So maybe in the future the lecturer will be just a name on a discussion board answering questions. I didn't take me long after starting UNI to learn that it wasn't really well organised.



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Mar 29, 2008, 05:52 pm

I know that they can be overworked big time. I understand that with hundreds of students in different classes at different levels of training it can be extremely difficult.

But if I have a person who simply returns your phone calls or emails, and is unbiased, then that is great!



  • Joined: Oct 2007
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Jun 30, 2008, 12:22 am

Just thought I'd add to this thread even though it has been ages since it was posted. Tropicana is right, we only ever hear about bad experiences.

Although it is true that the course I'm doing has been appallingly run (we were however informed by the co-ordinator to consider ourselves lucky that we didn't have to come in in the evenings until 9pm), there is one teacher who is great IMO.

She is very experienced, to the point to having been Dean of nursing at universities. She spent alot of time working in the UK, and we are lucky to have her teaching us A&P at TAFE level. She has just the right balance of actually getting through the material (rather than getting stalled everytime someone feels like sharing what happened to their aunty/neighbour/dog), but also telling us of her experiences and allowing some discussion.

She makes me excited and proud that one day I will hopefully be a nurse.

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