Nursing issues

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  • Joined: Jun 2013
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Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:09 am


I want to  study as an enrolled nurse. Am I too old at 56. I would like some helpful advice. I find that I am at a crossroads in my life. The only thing that I really feel I am good at is taking care of people. I helnursing would be ideal. I am a hard worker and love to fuss and take care of people as well as being good at making decisions. My daughter is a newly trained doctor and is vehemently against it. She says it is too hard for me at my age and why dont I become a medical receptionist. I need to have some sort of job security . Knowing that I have a profession as a nurse will help with much needed confidence and self respect. I just hope I am not going into a retracting job market as I saw that Nursing staff were laid off by Silver Chain. 

I would really appreciate any advice positive or negative.



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Sep 01, 2013, 03:00 pm Last edited Sep 01, 2013, 03:00 pm update #1

I have to agree with your daughter. EN's job is more physically demanding compared to a RN. By the time you finish your TAFE, you will be 58 and it is going to be a steep learning curve to become a full fledge EN. I'm not discouraging you, but getting you mentally prepared to do what is needed once you finish your course as an EN. At the moment, Australia is seeing a cut in funding for healthcare. This also means less position are available and getting a foot into the healthcare industry is going to be harder than what it used to be. Things might change 2 years down the road, no one really knows, but for the moment, it looked pretty grim.

My own impression of ENs is that they do the more physical jobs such as taking of vital signs and feeding of patients. Once they are more experienced, they can be certified to give medications and also document in patients' nursing notes.

Of course, there are very fit people at the age of 58 and can handle the stress well. So are you up for the challenge? The final decision is up to you.

modified: Sunday 01 September 2013 3:00:28 pm - seraphim



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Nov 16, 2013, 04:42 pm

I am 63 and am considering doing my EEN as well. I have a Cert III in Aged Care at the moment. I am tossing up between Cert IV in Aged Care or EEN. I will have to look at the Maths for the entry exam. I do not think I am too old, but a prospective employer might think otherwise. Good luck and follow your heart.

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