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Need help with Assignment

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Author Need help with Assignment



  • Joined: Apr 2011
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Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:04 pm Last edited Apr 16, 2011, 02:21 pm Update #1

Im a second year nursing student, maybe you guys can help me our or any advice.

Here is the case study -

Patient details:

Name: Mr Angelo Belamia

Age: 66

Past medical history: Osteoarthritis, Hypertension, Angine diagnosed in 2007

Presenting Illness: admitted to hospital yesterday morning - scheduled for left hip replacement this afternoon. He has reported having an episode of chest pain yesterday morning prior to coming to hospital. It was relieved by resting. He suffers from shortness of breath on exertion. He has reduced his cigarette smoking (was 30 per day) since being diagnosed with angina, now smokes 10 per day.

Profile: Mr Belami has been prepared for theatre this morning and is awaiting a final check by the ward staff in anticipation of theatre calling for him. You are the student nurse undertaking this check with your preceptor. Mr Belami complains of central chest pain and is rubbing his sternum and looks distressed. The preceptor undertakes the following assessments and asks the medical officer to review the patient.

Vital Signs: BP - 160/84, Pulse - 118, Resp - 24, Temp - 37.0, SaO2 - 98% on 21/min.

A Chest X ray is ordered and reveals no signs of pulmonary oedema.

Now the preceptor asks you to make a problem list for Mr Belami. you identify these problems;

Impaired gas exchange

Ineffective breathing pattern

Altered cardiopulmonary tissue perfusion


Activity intolerance

Altered health maintenance

Potential impaired skin integrity


Altered role performance

Potential altered parenting

Here is the question: From the list of potential problems in the case study please identify the patient's 3 most critical problems?

modified: Saturday 16 April 2011 2:38:14 pm - jansportz

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