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Unregistered EN work options

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Author Unregistered EN work options



  • Joined: Jun 2011
  • Location: Australia
  • Posts: 26

Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:06 pm

Looking for suggestions/ ideas on returning to nursing. Be interested to hear from others who may be wanting to return to nursing after a long break.
I was an enrolled nurse but haven't worked in the nursing field in 20 years and therefore am no longer registered.
Was looking at getting back into nursing and am finding it extremely hard to find any info.
There doesn't appear to be any re- entry / refresher courses for one being out of the nursing field for so long. Is my only option to redo the EN course at TAFE ????
Would I be able to get any work in a nursing home., home care etc
thanks in adance for any comments



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Feb 09, 2012, 10:46 pm

Hi Minnie

I am finding the same restrictions as you are- previously hospital trained RN and haven't worked in 20 years. Wanted to go back to nursing after the kids got older but there are no refresher courses in Qld and was told by the uni that I would have to re-do my training again as I am not eligible for any credits. That would mean 6 years part time in my case as I need to work. Have just decided to defer Bachelor of Nursing studies for a year and will now look at the enrolled nursing course externally at GCIT- I live in Brisbane. It's crazy as there is supposedly a shortage of nurses but the courses are ridiculously expensive. If the government was serious about nursing recruitment it would be taking advantage of all these nurses who just need refresher courses. The same ridiculous situation applies for the Cert III Aged Care. I begrudge having to get this when our training was far superior than what is offered in this course. Good luck and let me know if you find anything.



  • Joined: Jun 2011
  • Location: Australia
  • Posts: 26

Feb 10, 2012, 09:54 pm

After much frustration and not being able to get any direct answers from anyone i ended up doing a assistant in nursing course at tafe last year cost $1000 and i have just started work in a nursing home and on monday i am starting my diploma of nursing (EN course ) all over again at cairns tafe at a cost of $3000 (the further away from brisbane the cheaper it becomes) I get no credits so have to do the 18months all over again and wishing i had kept my registration uptodate.Though if i decide to do Bachelor of Nursing (RN) after my diploma i get 12 months taken off the course so i can complete it in 2 years instead of 3.
I am doing it flexible mode delivery which means i have 2 week block at tafe and 2 week placement each semester and the rest is all done online
To do home care or nurisng home most want you to have your cert 3 in aged care or community care certificate and then they always seem to want those that have experience and if they wont employ you without experience how are you meant to get experience , this job i have just started im sure i only got because of my EN experience even though it was so long ago but I am employed as a casual on $23 an hour and each fortnight they ring me up with a variety of shifts available and i get to choose what i want to work and how many i want to work. good luck in what ever you end up deciding to do

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