Jul 17, 2011, 03:32 pm
Hi nursemcgerk,
Sorry, I keep all my books as references ... but my advice would be not to bother with ebay. There's a LOT of bidding competition for textbooks on there, and even old editions end up going for close to whatever the new ed is retailing for.
I've found www.textbookexchange.com.au useful - when you search, order your results by date and only bother contacting those that are recently listed.
I've also got quite a few books off Amazon! Often the cheapest sellers won't post to AU, so I use www.priceusa.com.au to place the order. You have to do this a few weeks in advance though. I just got the 5th edition of Jarvis 'Physical Examination and Health Assessment' plus the lab manual for $25 off Amazon, and since I ordered with a bunch of other stuff shipping to Aus was only $6 per pound. Bargain!
The other good place is any discussion forums for your course - other students often list their books there first.
Good luck!