Jul 02, 2011, 09:44 pm
I agree this site rocks! I've been stalking these forums for the last 6 months just trying to get as much insight possible for my course!
I'm almost 21 with no kids. Thats fantastic that you are going to be juggling all that ! All the best to you! I currently work in a completely unrelated field to nursing, I work in a Telstra Shop but they are very flexible with my hours as they know ill be studying and said it will be fine to cut down hours if it gets too much! Have you worked in aged care or the health industry before?
I've always wanted to be a nurse since i was small but I left school early so going to Uni to do RN wasnt an option for me. But I will definatly will be converting once ive completed my EEN course. They have a special conversion degree at LaTrobe university especially for EENs so im hoping to get into that and at my interview they mentioned that they were trying to work out an agreement with the uni for Healthskills nursing graduates could get in easier. So fingers crossed!
Have you always wanted to be a nurse? Do you know what area you want to work in? I have a few friends doing this course and they absolutley love it! I cant wait to do placements!